The Malta Motorsport Federation (MMF) is non-political NGO, the national sport organization representing Motorsport and Motoring enthusiasts.
Karting is one of the most popular points of entry into the world of motorsport for the world’s biggest stars of the future. It has been used as a method for the big teams to find young talent, and so drivers need to take a disciplined approach to karting fitness if they want to be the best.
Young Drivers Training Program
Is recommended for boys and girls, between the ages of 8 and 18, medically fit for sport. First preference shall be given to those who did not participate in the 1st stage of the program.
We will prepare, support, and guide you through to your first kart race.
After completing the course each participant gets a certificate of MMF & FIA and the possibility to become a WINNER and have the chance for a NEW karting experience in Europe.
During the 2 days of intense training, the participants will learn about:
• Life style;
• Career Management;
• How the mind works;
• Nutrition;
• Driving Techniques;
• Values of working together as a team or family, while learning about sportsmanship and fair play in a
competitive environment.
Improve and learn new skills:
• Faster, Better Decision Making
Go-karting is all about reaction, and how quickly you can maneuver around your opponents and steer
around an unexpected bend.
• Confidence
Becoming confident takes lots of practice, which is why we offer different leagues and clinics throughout
the course.
Once you master the tricks of the track, you’ll be unstoppable!
• Spirit of Competition
Go-karting can help you learn how to win and lose with grace. Being able to adapt and try again without
getting discouraged or angry is important in becoming a top racer. Even the best of the best lose sometimes!
• Adaptation Skills
Racing is an unpredictable sport. You never know what your competition is going to look like or when you
may come across an obstacle you weren’t expecting, especially if you race at many different tracks. But the more you face adversity and handle the unexpected, the easier it is for you to adapt to your surroundings – both on and off the track!
We have set ourselves the task from scratch, to bring the children to the racing, and to convey them a
comprehensive knowledge.
The kids should learn to handle success and failure. Likewise, they should understand that success is a
result of hard work.
Professional karts will be used during the course period with maximum safety for our students.
Final Thoughts
Karting is a gateway to other motorsports, and as such it emulates some of the top disciplines in the
strength and ability it requires of drivers. Thus, drivers need to ensure they take on adequate training
routines so that they are able to compete at the highest level and stay free from injury in the process.
Register your child now for a new life experience!