Nicky Gauci go karts racing driver and member of Karting Club Malta is at Adria International Raceway, in the North of Italy to compete in the Rotax Max Challenge Euro Trophy.
138 racing drivers will be competing at this event, 53 of which in the same class that Gauci is competing in. This class is called Rotax Max 125 Senior. The 53 drivers are coming from 25 different countries.
Adria International Raceway is a very popular circuit as it offers a 2702 meters long circuit for cars, a 2657 meters long circuit for bikes and a 1300 meters long circuit for go karts.
Nicky Gauci is the only Maltese Racing Driver competing in this event.
Nicky Gauci sewwieq tal-go karts u membru tal-Karting Club Malta jinsab ġewwa iċ-ċirkwit internazzjonali ta Adria fl-Italja biex jikkompeti fir-Rotax Max Challenge Euro Trophy.
Għal dan l-avveniment hemm 138 sewwieq reġistrati u 53 minnhom ser jikkompetu fl-istess klassi ta Gauci, il-Klassi Rotax Max 125 Senior. It-53 sewwieq huma ġejjin minn 25 pajjiz differenti.
Iċ-ċirkwit ta Adria huwa wieħed popolari fin-naħa ta fuq ta l-Italja għax jospita kemm karozzi, muturi u go karts. It-trakk tal-karozzi hija twila 2702 metri, tal-muturi 2657 metru u tal go karts, 1300 metru.
Gauci huwa l-unika sewwieq Malti f’din il-kompetizzjoni prestigjuza.
Oliver Attard