On Sunday 15th of September, Karting Club Malta organized the fifth and final round of the Malta National Karting Championship. Twenty drivers competed in several classes.
Zach Scicluna won the Baby Kart class. Isaac Micallef won the 125 TAG class. Luke Abela won the Mini TAG class followed by Jacob Micallef and Kyle Micallef. Kyle Mercieca won the Rotax Max class followed by Salvatore Toscano and Jake Agius. John Agius won the Iame X30 class followed by Brandon Pullicino and Jake Bianco.
The Rotax championship was won by Salvatore Toscano followed by Nicky Gauci and Kyle Mercieca, thus Toscano will be representing Malta in the final of the Rotax Max in Italy next month.
The athlete and SportMalta ambassador, Jake Vella was the special guest of Karting Club Malta and presented the trophies to the winners. The races were led by Mr. Dario Anastasi, Mr. Adrian Figallo, Mr. Timmy Zammit and Ms. Charlene Bartolo.
Il-Ħadd 15 ta’ Settembru, Karting Club Malta organizza il-ħames u l-aħħar rawnd tal-kampjonat nazzjonali tal-karting. Għoxrin sewwieq ikkompetew f’diversi klassijiet.
Zach Scicluna rebaħ il-klassi Baby Kart. Isaac Micallef rebaħ il-klassi 125 TAG. Luke Abela rebaħ il-klassi Mini TAG segwit minn Jacob Micallef u Kyle Micallef. Kyle Mercieca rebaħ il-klassi Rotax Max segwit minn Salvatore Toscano u Jake Agius fit-tieni u it-tielet post. John Agius rebaħ il-klassi Iame X30 segwit minn Brandon Pullicino u Jake Bianco.
Bħalha kampjonat Rotax ġie mirbuħ minn Salvatore Toscano segwit minn Nicky Gauci u Kyle Mercieca, b’hekk Toscano ser jirrapreżenta lil-Malta fil-finali tar-Rotax Max ġewwa l-Italja ix-xahar d-dieħel.
L-atleta u ambaxxatur ta SportMalta Jake Vella kien il-mistieden speċjali ta Karting Club Malta biex jippreżenta it-trofej lir-rebbieħa. It-tlielaq kienu immexxija mis-sinjuri Dario Anastasi, Adrian Figallo, Timmy Zammit u is-sinjorina Charlene Bartolo.