Once again Go Kart Racing Driver Jake Agius achieved the 3rd Place at the 9th meeting of Karting Sicilia. The event was held at Pista Sole Luna in Vittoria Sicilia on Sunday 8th September. For Agius, this was his first competitive event on this technical track and it was not easy for him to familiarise and take advantage of the perfect racing line.
At the semi-finals, Agius started from position 7 but immediately he advanced 2 places to finish 5th. Until it was time for the final race Agius had a better understanding of the track, did an amazing start, overtaking 2 competitors in the first corner, defended his position in the following 16 laps, hence finished the day in 3rd position.
Għal darb’oħra s-sewwieq Malti tal Go Kart Jake Agius kiseb it-3 post fid-9 avveniment ta’ Karting Sicilia. L-avveniment sar f’ Pista Sole Luna f’ Vittoria fi Sqallija nhar il-Ħadd 8 ta ’Settembru. Għal Agius dan kien l-ewwel avveniment kompetittiv tiegħu fuq din il-korsa teknika u ma kienx faċli għalih li jiffamiljarizza ruħu u jagħmel tellieqa perfetta.
Fis-semi finali Agius beda minn pożizzjoni 7 iżda minnufih huwa avvanza 2 postijiet biex spiċċa fil-5 post. Sakemm wasal iż-żmien għat-tellieqa finali Agius dara il-korsa, għamel bidu tajjeb fejn qabeż 2 kompetituri fl-ewwel kantuniera, iddefenda l-pożizzjoni tiegħu fis-16-il dawra, u temm il-ġurnata fit-tielet pożizzjoni.