On Saturday first, and Sunday second of June, Zammit a Maltese Hillclimb racing driver and member of the Island Car Club, cmpeted in the eleventh and twelfth round of the British National Hillclimb Championship at Shelsey Walsh. Zammit raced his Empire Wraith Formula Race car and besides winning his class he is currently at the twelfth place of the Championship although he only competed in six of the twelve rounds. This Championship took Zammit to some of the most historic venues in England, such as Loton Park, Prescott and Shelsey Walsh.
The Hillclimb at Loton Park is one mile long and has been used for motorsport since the fifties. Prescott Hillclimb have been used since 1938 but has been restored and increased to just over 1 mile in 1960. Shelsey Walsh, is the oldest venue in the world that is still being used for motorsport, it has been so since August 1905.
Zach Zammit ikompli jiddomina ġewwa l-Ingilterra, din id-darba f’Shelsey Walsh.
Bejn is-Sibt l-ewwel, u l-Ħadd tnejn ta Ġunju Zammit sewwieq tal-Hillclimb u membru ta l-Island Car club, kien impenjat fil-ħdax u t-tnax il-round tal-Kampjonat Ingliż tal-Hillclimb ġewwa Shelsey Walsh. Zammit qiegħed jikkompeti permezz ta tal-Karozza Empire Wraith u apparti li rebaħ il-klassi tiegħu, bħalissa jinsab fit-tnax il-post tal-kampjonat għalkemm ipparteċipa biss f’sitta mit-tnax il-tellieqa. Dan il-kampjonat qiegħed jieħu lill-Zammit f’uħud mit-toroq storiċi li nsibu ġewwa l-Ingilterra, fosthom, Loton Park, Prescott u Shelsey Walsh.
It-triq ta Loton Park hija twila ftit anqas minn mil u ila tintuża għal-isport mis-snin ħamsin. Prescott Hillclimb ila tintuża mil-1938 iżda ġiet irranġata u miżjuda għal ftit aktar minn mil fl-1960. Shelsey Walsh huwa l-eqdem post fid-dinja li għadu jintuża għal-motorsport, proprju minn Awwissu tal-1905.
Oliver Attard