The Maltese karting drivers, Gianluca Dingli and Andreas Camilleri were busy racing at South Garda this weekend, competing in the fifth round of the Italian Karting Championship.
During the trials, and semi-finals Dingli occupied the eighth position and during the finals he managed to advance one position thus ended the final in seventh place.
Andreas Camilleri started from fifteenth place but only after two laps he managed to advance to the eleventh position. During his attempt to occupy the tenth place Camilleri was involved in an accident, that affected his braking system, that resulted in Camilleri losing eight places so finished the final in position 23.
Both Maltese drivers are members of the Karting Club Malta, raced with the Italian team ZANCHI Motorsport and competed with the best drivers from Italy, Poland, Israel, and Switzerland.
Sewwieqa tal-Karts Maltin jikkompetu ġewwa South Garda fl-Italja.
Is-Sewwieqa tal-karting Maltin, Gianluca Dingli u Andreas Camilleri fi tmiem il-Ġimgħa kienu impenjati ġewwa South Garda għal-ħames round tal-kampjonat tal-karting Taljan.
Waqt il-provi, u l-kwalikazzjonijiet Gianluca Dingli okkupa it-tmien post u waqt il-finali irnexxielu javvanza posizzjoni u b’hekk spiċċa l-finali fis-seba post.
Andreas Camilleri beda mill-ħmistax il-post pero mal-ewwel irnexxielu javvanza għal-ħdax il-posizzjoni. Waqt it-tentattiv tiegħu biex jokkupa l-għaxar post Camilleri kien involut f’inċident illi wassal biex Camilleri tilef tmien postijiet b’hekk spiċċa il-finali fit-23 post.
Iż-żewġ sewwieqa Maltin li huma membri tal-Karting Club Malta saqu mat-tim Taljan ta Zanchi Motorsport u ikkompetew ma l-aqwa sewwieqa mill-Italja, Polonja, Israel u Svizzera
Oliver Attard