On Sunday 14th of April Island Car Club organized the second round of the Enemed National Hillclimb Championship at Mtahleb limits of Rabat Malta. 35 cars challenged the hill in an event that was originally set to happen a week earlier but had to be postponed due to bad weather.
As in the first round Fabio Baldacchino sponsored by Tony’s Bar ended this event as overall winner, followed closely by Mark Micallef sponsored by Avon Tyres and Mauro Portelli sponsored by Sullivan Maritime.
The 3rd Round of the Enemed National Hillclimb Championship is set for the 19th of May.
Il-Ħadd 14 ta’ April l-Island Club organizza it-tieni round tal-kampjonat Enemed National Hillclimb Championship fl-Mtaħleb, limiti tar-Rabat Malta. 35 vettura ħadu sehem f’dan l-avveniment li oriġinalment kellu jittella il-Ħadd 7 ta’ April imma ġie pospost minħabba il-maltemp.
Għal-darboħra is-sewwieq Fabio Baldacchino issaportjat minn Tony’s Bar reġa ħareg rebbieħ, din id-darba segwit minn Mark Micallef bis-sapport ta Avon Tyres u Mauro Portelli bis-sapport ta Sullivan Maritime.
Ir-round li-jmiss ta’ Enemed National Hillclimb Championship għandu jittella fid-19 a’ Mejju.