The Malta Motorsport Federation held its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 26th of November at the Old Motors Club Malta Clubhouse in Mosta.
Tonio Cini president of the Federation gave details of the work being done and achievements achieved during 2015. Mr. Cini mentioned the Audi Malta Motorsport Awards, the Expression Of Interest that Hon. Chris Agius Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport launched in September for the development of a Motor Recreation and Education Park in Malta. This year for the first time since its existence the Malta Motorsport Federation have been given representation in two Transport Malta Boards, that for Road Safety, and the Vintage Vehicle Classification Committee. Mr. Cini referred also to the valuable input the Malta Motorsport Federation has been giving for the last 2 years within the FIA ASN Development Task Force that works for the development of Motorsport Worldwide. This is the same Task Force that started the FIA Sport Regional Congresses with the European congress happening in Zagreb in December and that the Federation is going to be represented by 2 of its officials.
The biggest challenge that the Malta Motorsport Federation and its members faced this years was that of gaining permits by the local authorities following the accident, without precedent, in October and even though events organized by member clubs of the Malta Motorsport Federation have been event free for years, two clubs mainly the Malta Drifting Association and the Island Car Club had to halt their championships mid way.
William England Treasurer of the federation read the annual financial report and mentioned some of the projects currently being undertaken and the plans and targets the federation made for 2016. These plans and projects have been approved by all member clubs present for the Annual General Meeting and the officials given the green light to work on them.
At the end of the Meeting Ronald Debattista was elected as Vice-President and Oliver Attard was re-confirmed as General Secretary of the Malta Motorsports Federation.