On Monday, the 30th November, the Malta Motorsport Federation held its annual general meeting where the agenda included the elections of three posts in the Administration Council of the federation – President, of Vice President and Vice Secretary.
2017 European Top Fuel Drag Racing Champion Duncan Micallef took the helm from Tonio Cini who lead the federation for 12 consecutive years. Cini decided not to contest. The Federations Sporting Delegate and former Vice President William England, returned as Vice President. England already served in this post for three years. Old Motors Club Malta General Secretary Oliver Attard was uncontested for the post of Vice Secretary. Attard served as General Secretary of the same Federation for 6 years.
For the post of President Duncan Micallef was contested by Jonathan Bruno and for the post of Vice-President William England was contested by George Abdilla. Both Bruno and Abdilla are not new faces to the federation as both hold positions in the past.
On his first speech as President, Micallef thanked Tonio Cini for serving as president for the last 12 years, together with all those that helped him during his presidency. Micallef said that following these changes the federation shall benefit from a new lease of life, and more resources to address the many challenges faced by all clubs, drivers and enthusiasts. One of the first targets for his presidency is to see more enthusiasts to come forward and help the federation to help the clubs to grow their sports.
The following are the names of those forming the administration of the federation following yesterday’s AGM.
President Duncan Micallef
Vice-President William England
General Secretary Susanne Fenech
Vice-Secretary Oliver Attard
Treasurer Ruben Galea