Last weekend, 111 Off-Road Racing Team composed from Rudy Farrugia as Driver and Malcolm Paul Gauci as navigator helped by Maurice Farrugia, Mark Zahra, David Farrugia, Daniel Grupetta, Stefan Borg Grech, Lana Debono u Shaun Caruana competed against 21 competitors from all over the world at the King of France 2019 Ultra 4 Europe Event.
During qualifying on Friday, following damage to driveline, exhaust, rear suspension, and many repairs still did not finish as had to abandon race only a few meters away from the finish line and ended in the 21st place.
On Saturday the team had to start from the last place, following the traffic on a tight course. Still, with damaged suspension 111 off-road racing team was still fast and coped well with competition. Following another accident, the buggy ended up upside down in a bunch of trees in a ditch but sustained no damage. With damage from Friday and the accident on Saturday, they still finished in 10th place from the 21st.
Sunday was an event free day, the team raced fast and clean, gained another position finishing the event in 9th place overall.
111 Off-Road Racing Team is set to compete in the Ultra 4 Europe Championship hence their next appointment is the King of Britain at the 20th of July.
111 It-tim ta ‘Racing off-Road jispiċċa fid-9 post ġewwa Franza
Fi tmiem il-Ġimgħa, 111 Off-Road Racing Team magħmul minn Rudy Farrugia bħala Sewwieq u Malcolm Paul Gauci bħala navigatur megħjuna minn Maurice Farrugia, Mark Zahra, David Farrugia, Daniel Grupetta, Stefan Borg Grech, Lana Debono u Shaun Caruana ikkompetew kontra 21 kompetitur minn madwar id-dinja fl-Avveniment ta Ultra 4 Europe, King Of France 2019.
Waqt il-kwalifikazzjoni tal-Ġimgħa, wara ħsara konsiderevoli u ħafna tiswijiet it-tim ma spiċċax it-tellieqa u kellhom jabbandunaw it-tellieqa ftit metri ‘l bogħod mill-linja tat-tmiem u spiċċaw fil-21 post.
Is-Sibt it-tim kellu jibda mill-aħħar post, wara 21 vettura u korsa kemmxejn dejqa. Madankollu, bis-sospensjoni bil-ħsara mill-aċċident tal-Ġimgħa, baqa javvanza. Wara inċident ieħor, il-buggy spiċċat fuq is-saqaf, qalb is-siġar go kanal. Bi ħsara mill-Ġimgħa u l-inċident tas-Sibt, xorta spiċċaw fl-10 post mill-21.
Il-Ħadd kien jum ħieles mill-aċċidenti, it-tim avvanza pożizzjoni oħra u spiċċa l-avveniment fid-9 post.
111 Off-Road Racing Team huwa mistenni li jikkompeti fil-Kampjonat kollhu tal-Ultra 4 Europe u għalhekk it-tappa li jmiss hija King of Britain fl-20 ta ‘Lulju.
Oliver Attard