Between the 23rd and the 26th of May Off-Road Racing Driver Neville Ciantar, member of the All-Wheel Drive Club Malta, competed successfully in ULTRA4 Europe event called King of Spain at Les Comes in Spain. Ciantar together with his team, Nusu Off-Road Racing Team that includes, his son Lee Ciantar as co-driver, Brian Agius, Thomas Tanti and Charlene Ciantar competed against 34 other teams from all around the world.
Nusu Off-Road Racing Team finished in fifth place with just twenty points behind the French team composed of Cedric Porcher and Noel Herve that finished in second place. The British team composed of Jim Marsden and Steve Grant won the event.
The next round of the Ultra 4 championship is set to continue with the King of France at Vallee Bleu in France between the 21st and the 23rd of June.
Fi-tmiem il-Ġimgħa ta bejn 23 u is-26 ta Mejju Is-sewwieq Malti u membru ta’ l-All Wheel Drive Club Malta, Neville Ciantar ikkompeta b’suċċess f’ULTRA4 Europe – King of Spain ġewwa Les Comes fi Spanja. Ciantar permezz tat-tim tiegħu, Nusu Off-Road Racing Team li hu kompost mit-tifel tiegħu Lee Ciantar bħala co-driver, Brian Agius, Thomas Tanti u Charlene Ciantar ikkompeta kontra 34 tim ieħor minn madwar d-dinja.
Nusu Off-Road Racing Team spiċċaw fil-ħames post b’għoxrin punt biss wara il-Franċiżi Cedric Porcher u Noel Herve li spiċċaw fit-tieni post. It-tellieqa ġiet mirbuħa mill-Brittaniċi Jim Marsden u Steve Grant.
Il-kampjonat Ultra 4 ser ikompli bil-King of France li ser isir f’ Vallee Bleu ġewwa Franza bejn il 21 u 23 ta’ Ġunju.
Oliver Attard