Saturday 28 September, the Old Motors Club Malta organized a reception for its members and other distinguished guests both local and friends of the club from Sicily. The Old Motors Club was founded in 1989 and today has around 350 members that amongst them owe over a thousand classic and vintage cars. The Reception was held at the clubhouse that the club has in Hope Street in Mosta. The place was decorated with eight stunning cars, one from each decade.
About 300 people accepted the club invitation and joined the social event different from those usually organised. During the reception, a bust of Medical Doctor Lino Gauci Borda was unveiled. Gauci Borda was a Doctor, a Member of Parliament, a Classic Car Enthusiast and Chairman of the Old Motors Club for many years that passed on to a better life in February.
L-Old Motors Club jiċċelebra it-30 Anniversarju mit-twaqqif tiegħu.
Is-Sibt 28 ta Settembru, l-Old Motors Club Malta organizza riċeviment għal-membri tiegħu u mistiedna oħra distinti kemm Maltin kif ukoll Ħbieb tal-klabb minn Sqallija. L-Old Motors Club kien ġie mwaqqaf fl-1989 u illum għandu madwar 350 membru li bejniethom għandhom il-fuq minn elf karozza antika. Ir-Riċeviment ġie organizzat fil-binja li il-klabb għandu fi Triq L-Isperanza fil-Mosta. Il-bitħa tal-post ġiet imżejna bi tmien karozzi, waħda minn kull deċenju.
Madwar 300 persuna laqaw l-istedina tal-klabb u attendew dan ir-riceviment, li f’ħin minnhom iżżanżan bust tat-tabib Lino Gauci Borda, li kien Tabib, Membru Parlamentari, Dilettant tal-Karozzi antiki u Chairman ta l-Old Motors Club għal snin twal u għaddha għal-ħajja aħjar fi Frar li għaddha.