On Sunday 14th of April the Malta Drifting Association organized the first round of the National Drifting Championship at a new venue in Ta’ Qali. This was possible thanks to the collaboration of several different authorities and especially that of the Malta Fairs and Convention Centre. This new venue offered a bigger challenge to the organisers but at the same a more challenging track to the participants.
8 cars competed in two different classes, that for professionally built cars and that for street legal cars. Andrea Fabri the Champion of the 2018 Championship won this first round on his Enemed Supra. Fabri was followed by Maris Grixti that returned to compete following one year of absence and Christian Borg on his Yato Silvia that also returned to the sport after 2 years.
Il-Ħadd 14 ta’ April l-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tad-Drifting tellat l-ewwel rawnd tal-kampjonat nazzjonali tad-drifting. Grazzi għas-sapport ta diversi awtoritajiet u taċ-Ċentru Malti għal-Fieri u Konferenzi ta’ Ta Qali l-attivita giet organizzata fil-parkeġġ vicin ta l-istess ċentru. Dan il-post offra sfida akbar lill-Assoċjazzjoni biex ittella dan l-avveniment izda fl-istess ħin it-trakka ġiet kemm xejn ikbar minn dik ta Hal Far.
8 Karozzi ħadu sehem f’dan ir-rawnd li kien maqsum f’zewġ kategoriji, dik professjonali u dik għal-karozzi tat-triq. It-Tlett rebbieħa kienu, fl-ewwel post ic-champion renjanti Andrea Fabri fuq Enemed Supra, Maris Grixti fit-tieni post u Chistian Borg fuq Yato Silvia. Dan kien ir-ritorn ta Grixti wara waqfien ta sena u ta Borg wara waqien ta sentejn.