The use and need for an MMF license, will and may vary based on the type of event, location and categorization.
Effective 1st January 2018, events shall be deemed to have the following categories;
Club Event
This is an event organised by an MMF Member club. The event taking place does not form part of the National Calendar / Championship. The results of the event will not be placed or recorded by the MMF. Club events may only take place in Malta.
Such events should be included in the MMF Calendar of events, and also included in the number of events purchased under the MMF insurance policy (if the club is signed up to it).
For events using the MMF general insurance policy, the MMF / ACI safety plans must be used, and an event application / approval should be sought so as to advise insurers accordingly. If the insurer is the MMF general policy, the MMF shall advise the insurer. Any clubs using its own policy shall advise their insurer based on the policy understandings / agreements they have.
An MMF Driver license is not needed for such events, as it is deemed that such events should be used to attract new comers to the sport. It is entirely the responsibility of the club to ensure that the vehicles are not overpowered for newcomers, and the the drivers are well versed / briefed on the course and relative ‘need to know’ items and it checked to have the necessary capability / ability to handle the vehicle they plan to compete with. Scrutineer records are required for these events.
Safety regulation of the National Events shall apply for vehicles that fall within the National Event classes.
An MMF Clerk of the Course is recommended for this event, yet the MMF may opt to send a CoC for overall monitoring of the event. Being a club event a steward from the MMF is not required as the club may handle any dispute.
Examples – The MDRA RWYB and the MDA Drift for Istrina are to be taken as Club events.
National Event
This is an event authorised by the MMF and forming part of the National Championship. The results of the event will be placed and recorded by the MMF. The MMF authorises one member club to hold and organise a National Championship per discipline. Such events require all drivers / competitors / teams to hold a National Competition license issued by the MMF.
Such events should be included in the MMF Calendar of events, and also included in the number of events purchased under the MMF insurance policy (if the club is signed up to it).
For such events the MMF / ACI safety plans must be used, and an event application / approval should be sought so as to advise insurers accordingly.
The MMF Safety plans for these events may be used at no charge during 2018. As these plans are up for renewal in late 2018, a fee for such use may apply in 2019, to cover the renewal and professional costs involved.
An MMF National Driver license is needed for such events, as it is deemed that such events should be used to attract new comers to the sport. It is entirely the responsibility of the club to ensure that the vehicles are not overpowered for newcomers, and the drivers are well versed / briefed on the course and relative ‘need to know’ items and it checked to have the necessary capability / ability to handle the vehicle they plan to compete with. Scrutineer records are required for these events.
If a guest class forms part of such a National event, the competitor is allowed a maximum of 4 appearances in guest class before needing a National license. No National winner will be allowed for guest classes, yet their performance will be listed in MMF records.
Guest classes appearances do not count as entries for the application of the International license.
All such events need to have MMF approval, and shall have the full staffing contingency as required by MMF.
International Event
This is an event forming part of an International calendar and can be both an MMF International Event as well as ACI or MSA or other ASN International event. In such cases an MMF International Driver license is required.
An MMF International Driver License will only be issued to drivers that hard held a National Drivers license for one year, and the driver has logged 3 starts and 3 finishes in a National Championship event OR have in the past calendar year already held an MMF International Drivers license.
The applicant / driver for International event hold the responsibility to check with the organiser what license grade is needed.