The Malta Motorsports Federation communicates the resignation of its Vice-President, Mr William England with immediate effect.
Mr England took this decision after a long evaluation of the local Motorsport scene as well as on the merits of how certain circumstances has recently evolved, where the Federation is not being given the necessary support from the authorities to be able to operate and function in a proper way as the sport regulator for Malta in a legal framework which would eventually safeguard the same sport much loved.
Mr England made these points very clear in his resignation letter sent to the MMF Administration.
The Executive committee as requested by Mr England himself accepts the resignation from the post of Vice-President.
The MMF would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr England for the useful work done through the years and wishes his successor to continue on the tasks which were started by Mr England himself. The election for the vacant posts in the Federation’s administration will all be held during the next Annual General Meeting which is being planned in the coming weeks.
Il-Malta Motorsports Federation qiegħda tħabbar ir-riżenja b’mod immedjat tal-Viċi-President tagħha, is-Sur William England.
Is-Sur England ħa din id-deċiżżjoni wara riflessjoni twila tax-xena lokali tal-Motorsport kif ukoll a bażi ta’ kif kienu u għadhom qegħdin jiżvolgu ċertu sitwazzjonijiet fejn iħoss li l-Federazzjoni mhux qed tingħata dak is-sostenn meħtieg mill-awtoritajiet biex tkun tista topera b’mod korrett bħala regolatur tal-isport, f’qafas legali li finalment jissalvagwardja lill-istess sport tant maħbub minnha.
Is-Sur England għamel dawn il-punti ċari fir-riżenja tiegħu li bgħat lill-amministrazzjoni tal-MMF.
L-eżekuttiv kif mitlub mis-Sur England inniffsu qed jaċċetta r-riżenja tas-Sur England mill-post tiegħu ta’ Viċi-President.
l-MMF tieħu l-okkażżjoni biex tirringrazzja lis-Sur England tax-xogħol siewi li ta tul dawn l-aħħar snin kif ukoll tawgura lis-suċċessur tiegħu biex ikompli jkattar ix-xogħol mibdi mis-Sur England. L-elezzjoni għal postijiet vakanti fl-amministrazzjoni tal-Federazzjoni se isiru kollha waqt il-Laqgħa Generali Annwali li mistennija issir fil-gimghat li gejjin.