Pitass Engineering Off-Road Racing Team composed by Alan Zahra as driver, and Brandon Cassar as navigator competed in the Welsh One50 off-road competition that was held over two days between Saturday and Sunday first and second of June.
The place where the event took place is known as Walters Arena and has been used for such events since the Second World War. The place is now considered an international motorsport complex where other important competitions take place. The Welsh Round, part of the World Rally Championship, the RAC Rally and the Wales Rally, a round of the British Rally Championship all are organised at Walters Arena.
Zahra and Cassar had to drive for more than 150 kilometers, divided into ten laps of at least 15 kilometers each, all laps offering huge obstacles, with the intent to deprive points to participating teams that at the same time are racing against time.
The only Maltese team competing, Pitass Engineering Off-Road Racing Team competed against 40 teams, being the maximum accepted by the organisers and finished in the prestigious second place.
Pitass Engineering Off Road Racing Team kompost minn Alan Zahra bħalha sewwieq, u megħjun minn Brandon Cassar ikkompetew fil-Welsh One 50 ġewwa Wales l-Ingilterra. Il-Kompetizzjoni saret fuq jumejn is-Sibt l-ewwel u il-Ħadd it-tnejn ta Ġunju.
Il-post fejn sar l-avveniment huwa magħruf bħalha Walters Arena li ilu jintuża għal-attivitajiet bħal dawn minn wara it-tieni gwerra dinjija. Illum il-post huwa meqjus bħalha kumpless internazzjonali tal-motorsport fejn isir ukoll il-Welsh Round, parti mill-Kampjonat internazzjonali tar-Rally, l-RAC Rally kif ukoll il-Wales Rally, tappa mill-kampjonat Ingliż.
Id-distanza li kellhom isuqu Zahra u Cassar kienet ta 150 kilometru, maqsuma f’għaxar tappi ta 15 il-kilometru il-waħda, mimlijin ostakli bl-intenzjoni li itelfu il-punti lill-pateċipanti u fl-istess ħin tellieqa kontra il-ħin.
L-unika tim Malti, dak ta Pitass Engineering spiċċa il-kompetizzjoni fit-tieni post meta ikkompeta ma 40 tim ieħor.
Oliver Attard