Mr. Whippy Racing Team at Sant Pod

One of Malta’s most popular Top Alcohol Drag Racing Teams, that of Mr. Whippy Racing Team is currently at Santa Pod in the United Kingdom. The team is present with its two drivers, veteran Driver Monty Bugeja and Matthew Carabott. The team traveled to the United Kingdom immediately after appearing at the second round of the Enemed Drag Racing Championship organised by the Malta Drag Racing Championship at Hal Far between the 3rd and the 5th of May.

Both drivers have different targets at this event. Carabott’s target is that on Thursday 23rd he will pass observation runs to get the international Top Alcohol Dragster Racing Licence. Monty Bugeja will be racing the same Dragster at the Main Event between Friday 24th and Sunday 15th. The Main Event is the first round of the FIA European Drag Racing Championship.

Mr. Whippy Racing Team, with their veteran racing driver and tuner Monty Bugeja represented Malta successfully on various occasions both in Europe and in the United States of America. Everything indicates that Mr. Whippy Racing team is being geared for more success by introducing it’s second licenced driver.

It-Tim popolari ta Mr. Whippy jinsab ġewwa Santa Pod permezz taż-żewġ sewwieqa tiegħu, Matthew Carabott u Monty Bugeja. It-Tim vjaġġa għal-Ingilterra immedjatament wara it-tieni round ta l-Enemed Drag Racing Championship li seħħ bejn il-Ġimgħa 3 u il-Ħadd 5 ta Mejju fit-trakka tal Malta Drag Racing Association, f’ Ħal Far.

Iż-żewġ sewwieqa ser jkunu impenjati u għandhom skop differenti. Fil-każ ta Matthew Carabott ser jagħmel minn kollox sabiex il-Ħamis 23 ta Mejju jġib il-licenzja li biha jkun jista jsuq id-dragster Top Alcohol tat-tim f’avvenimenti internazzjonali. Monty Bugeja bl-istess Top Alcohol Dragster ser jkun qiegħed jikkompeti fil-Main Event li huwa l-ewwel round tal-kampjonat Ewropew tad-Drag Racing.

It-Tim ta Mr. Whippy permezz tas-sewwieq veteran tiegħu Monty Bugeja, irrapreżenta u ġab suċċessi kbar lejn Malta diversi drabi fil-passat. Kollox jindika li issa t-tim għandu ħsieb li flimkien ma Monty Bugeja nibdew naraw il Matthew Carabott fis-seat tad-Dragster barra minn xtutna.