The table below details how the Malta Motorsport Federation as the FIA ASN for Malta issues its license for Officials.
This Grading is in line with the FIA ASN Development Guide (2017) page 156.
Grade of Licence | Issued By | Who is the licence intended for (*) | Who should request the licence | Validity of licence |
A | ASN | Officials designated by their ASN and currently holding, or having held in the previous season, a National B Licence and having been a deputy at 3 international events in the past season | ASN | International Events – except for the positions requiring an FIA International Licence |
B | ASN | Officials designated by their ASN and currently holding or having held in the previous season, a National C Licence and / or having passed the necessary courses as the ASN may specify as required. | ASN | National Events (+ International Events under supervision) |
C | ASN | Officials designated by their ASN and currently holding, or having held in the previous season, a Trainee Licence | ASN | Local Events (+ National Events under supervision) |
Trainee | ASN | Candidate corresponding to the requirements for becoming a Trainee | ASN | Local (+ possibly National Events under supervision) |
(*) Provided that the criteria defined in the future Appendix V of the International Sporting Code have been fulfilled.
You need to be 18 years of age to apply for an MMF Official License
All Official Licenses follow MMF License criteria and are valid from January – December
If a license is not renewed for one calendar year your Official grading may be lost.
For an Official grading to be retained the Official must have at least 3 log book entries in the licensed post during a season.
As at 2017 Official licenses are issued FREE of charge. As of 2019 this shall only apply if at least 4 log book entries against the license are made.
As at 2018 Official licenses shall be issued as ‘trainee’ level until 4 log book entries are made in a calendar year.
Apply for a licence
Click here to download the Officials Licence Registration form