Mission Statement
The Malta Motorsport Federation is an autonomous and voluntary organization, oriented towards competitive and non-competitive motoring and motorsport, which conduct its affairs in accordance with the relevant provisions of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. The MMF rejects discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. The Federation is the Maltese body representing Maltese Motorsport both nationally and internationally. We represent all types of vehicles: radio controlled, two wheeled, cars, trucks, classic, vintage and commercial vehicles
The basic purpose of the Federation is to bring together the different motor sporting clubs in the Maltese Islands; with a view to represent same both nationally and internationally; support, and protect its members‟ interests as well as to regulate any interest it deems fit in motor sport in accordance with the directives and decisions of the Executive Council of the Federation and of those other international organizations of which MMF may be a member.
Objectives of the Federation
a) to maintain a national organization upholding the interests of its membership in all national and international matters concerning motor sport;
b) to guard the individuality, autonomy and independence of its Members, whilst promoting safety and collaboration across all members;
c) to encourage and promote interest in motor sport through education, enacting, interpreting and enforcing common rules applicable in all its forms throughout the territory of the Republic of Malta;
d) to manage, organize, support or supervise national and/or international relations and/or events in all its forms and in all levels within the territory of Malta as it may deem fit and proper, and to administer, control and exercise discipline over such relations and/or events;
e) to prevent the introduction of improper methods or practices in motorsport, to protect it from abuse and to punish those found guilty of having used improper methods or practices;
f) to hold, administer, manage its own sports facilities and/or any other property needed by MMF to achieve its objectives;
g) to enter into any agreement and/or any kind of partnership with other parties for the promotion and the development of motorsport and/or motorsport facilities in general both locally and abroad;
h) to manage and raise funds and/or other assets of the Federation in an appropriate manner as it may determine;
i) to exercise jurisdiction in respect of disputes of a sporting order and any disputes which might arise between its Members, or in relation to any of its Members having contravened the obligations laid down by the regulations, Statutes, By-laws and the International Sporting Code;
j) to prevent all sorts of discrimination as to politics, gender, religion or race within the Federation and in its competitions as well as between its Members;
k) to preserve and extend the freedom of mobility through affordable, safe, and clean motoring and defending the rights of consumers when travelling;
l) to preserve and conserve all documents concerning motoring and motorsport in Malta to establish a record and history;
m) to exercise jurisdiction in respect of disputes of a sporting order and to determine any disputes which may arise between its Members, or in relation to any of its Members; once the members in the dispute agree to bring the dispute before the Federation;
n) to encourage and promote the preservation, restoration and collection of classic, vintage and historic vehicles in the Republic of Malta.
The Malta Motorsport Federation operations will be limited exclusively within the Maltese Islands; however it shall also represent its members’ interests overseas in the various international bodies or other.
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