2nd Round of the National Drifting Championship

On Sunday 9th June the Malta Drifting Association held round 2 of the National Drifting Championship. The event was organised in Ta’ Qali, at the car park leading to the main entrance to the Malta Fairs and Conventions Center under scorching sun. All drivers gave all there best to make this event full of screaming wheels, smoke and to show off their drifting skills.

Andrea Fabri, the current Drifting Champion won his second consecutive round racing his Enemed Supra, Marisa Grixti followed in her Silvia S14 and Dorian Galea placed third in his Toyota 1jz powered BMW. The event was controlled by Carmelo Borg and Adrian Figallo was the official judge.

Nhar il-Ħadd 9 ta ‘Ġunju, l-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tad-Drifting organizzat it-tieni rawnd tal-Kampjonat Nazzjonali tad-Drifting. L-avveniment ġie organizzat f’Ta ‘Qali, fil-parkeġġ li jwassal għad-daħla ewlenija taċ-Ċentru ta’ Fieri u Konvenzjonijiet ta ‘Malta taħt xemx qalila. Is-sewwieqa agħmlu minn kollox biex juru il-kapaċitajiet tagħhom.

Andrea Fabri, iċ-Champion renjanti tad-Drifting rebaħ it-tieni rawnd konsekuttiv permezz tal-karozza tiegħu Enemed Supra, Marisa Grixti okkupat it-tieni post permezz tas Silvia S14 u Dorian Galea spiċċa fit-tielet permezz tal-karozza tiegħu BMW u mgħamra b’magna Toyota. L-avveniment kien ikkontrollat ​​minn Carmelo Borg u Adrian Figallo kien l-Judge uffiċjali.